New evidence suggests anti-vaccers evolved from a more primitive species

science, health, satire, vaccines.

In a study released today by the Smithsonian Institute it was concluded that people who are anti-vaccine actually evolved differently than the rest of us homo sapiens.

“Somewhere along the evolutionary chain, anti-vaccers veered off” explained researcher Dr. Maurice Evans of the Smithsonian. “They picked up a lot of traits from lesser developed species that other humans do not possess.”

The study looked at the DNA structures of over 2500 anti and pro vaccine advocates as well as tracing back their family trees. The results were quite remarkable.

“Without fail, somewhere along the genealogy of the anti-vaccer, something went wrong” said Dr. Evans. “It’s quite intriguing to know that they may be an entirely different species, one completely devoid of critical thinking and basic math and science skills.”

The Institute is planning several more in-depth follow-up studies and are currently looking for volunteers. Any pro-vaccine, pro-science advocate wishing to partake in the study is asked to apply on the institutes’ website. For any anti-vaccine advocates wishing to join the study, please write a letter in crayon (you can get your parents to help you) and drop it off at the Smithsonian’s main entrance.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.