Natural News whistleblower admits “we added statistically significant data” to numerous articles

science, health, satire, vaccines.
Natural News's Facebook page.

AUSTIN, TX – The hashtag #nnwhistleblower is trending worldwide on Twitter after news broke of a Natural News employee coming forward and admitting that the news website had fabricated data and facts.

My name is Bill Thomas. I am a Senior Editor with Natural News, where I have worked since 1998. I regret that my coauthors and I added statistically significant information in many articles published on the blog, Natural News. The fabricated data suggested that children who received the MMR vaccine were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which facts to invent and I believe that the final published articles were untrue.

Bill Thomas was an editor and blogger on the site, responsible for many articls and breaing news stories on the site regarding vaccines, chemtrails and autism.

Furthermore, the story is also being picked up by Cheryl Atthuggson, former ABC reporter as well as Ben Dove, a low level local reporter who promises to deliver “the truth”.

“Most of the conspiracy websites aren’t even reporting this, they are scared of the truth getting out. They are all bought and paid for by Big Alterna,” said Paul Offit, vaccine industrialist and pharma shill. “I only trust the mainstream media.”

It remains to be seen if Thomas will be subpoenaed to testify in Congress about the falsified and omitted data.

In the meantime, pro-vaccine and science believers are trying to get the word out by continuing to use the #nnwhistleblower on both Twitter and Facebook.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.