FURLONG, NY – Local anti-vaccer Justin Woodlake just downloaded an anti-vaccine documentary produced by Andrew Wakefield and Sherri Tenpenny. According to reports, Woodlake has already told his family and friends his is fully prepared to believe whatever the movie tells him, no matter what.
“I already know this movie is factual and telling the truth “they” don’t want us to know,” explained Woodlake. “So whatever this documentary tells me I will believe and regurgitate verbatim.”
While critical thinkers know that any documentary can be extremely bias to the filmmakers own views, anti-vaccers seemingly believe anything that supports their cause, whether factual or not.
“It’s the same with anti-vaccine memes,” said Wood lake. “There is no way the internet or Facebook would allow an inaccurate meme to be published.”
Unconfirmed reports indicate the anti-vaccine documentary is Trace Amounts, the anti-vaccine produced film about mercury or something.