"I’ve never worn a seatbelt in my life and I’m fine"

science, health, satire, vaccines.

SEATTLE, WA – Local anti-seatbelter Gail Phillips is sharing her story in hopes of convincing others that seatbelts are not necessary for anyone, anytime.

“The whole seatbelt industry is based on fear,” explained Phillips. “But I have never worn a seatbelt in my entire life, including childhood, and I’ve fine.”

Many critics of Phillips point out that just because she has never experienced anything negative by not wearing a seatbelt, doesn’t mean that no one else will.

“Seatbelts save lives, bottom line” said Ford CEO Paul Dudley. “We encourage all people, especially children, to make sure they wear a seatbelt at all times.”

However, Phillips is also receiving a lot of support from the anti-seatbelt community, especially from the NSIC (National Seatbelt Information Center).

“What Ms. Phillips has correctly pointed out is just how overblown the efficacy and safety of seatbelts are,” said NSIC president Barbara Lee Fisher. “How many children are injured by seatbelts every year? Has there ever been a seatbelt vs no-seatbelt study? Of course not, Big Seatbelt knows what the results of such a study would be.”

Groups like the NSIC, Age of Seatbelts and Natural Seatbelt News are all fighting against mandatory seatbelt laws in California and other states, claiming that seatbelt injuries in children will be an estimated 1 in 30 by the year 2025.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.