Group all looks to anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist friend when they need to feel better about themselves

A group of friends in Chicago, Illinois are like most close-knit groups in America: they like sports but aren’t very good at them, have one friend who really likes to talk politics, one guy who is married and tries to bring his wife into the group, and one who is on the outside…one who is a conspiracy theorist. In this group that is Gary. Gary Dillon.

“Gary really is a nice guy,” says 27 year-old Hank Killorn. “Yah he’s a little crazy and still lives with his parents, but he is great to have around. Whenever you are feeling down about your life, you can always think about Gary and you immediately feel better.”

For his part, Gary has no idea the group thinks of him that way. In fact, he thinks of himself as the “smart” and “awake” one in the group.

“I love my friends, I really do, but they are kind of all sheep to an extent,” explained Gary. “They don’t really question things like vaccines, chemtrails, the Illuminati, any of that stuff. I try to open their eyes and for the most part I think they appreciate it.”

The group has often thought about cutting Gary loose, but then the fear of one of them becoming the “new Gary” sets in and they decide against it.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.