Frustrated woman running out of alternative medicine options

KANSAS CITY, KS – Sarah Jackson, mother of 4 year-old Jackson Jackson, is running out of ideas for her son’s fever and persistent cough.

“He has been sick with a fever of over 100 and a really bad cough for over a week now” explained Jackson. “I have tried everything: a chiropractor, naturopath, homeopath, reiki master, everything. I really don’t want him to have to get any treatment from a drug pushing, Big Pharma controlled doctor, but I fear I may have to.”

Local pediatrician Dr. Richard Sloan commented “If a young child has a fever for over a week, you should definitely get him checked out by a doctor.”

Jackson Jackson is completely unvaccinated, and that is part of the reason his mother doesn’t want him going to a hospital.

“I don’t want him around any recently vaccinated people, they can shed the virus for up to a month” said Ms. Jackson.

Even though it was explained to her numerous times that this is not true, Ms. Jackson refuses to believe it.

“I’ve done my research on REAL sites, not the mainstream media. I’m a parent. I own my children and it is my right to do with them as I see fit.”

It is unclear at this time whether social services will be called in to investigate.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.