Doktor Spudd goes undercover, visits naturopath

BALTIMORE, MD – I, Doktor Spudd, evil doctor and pharma shill, recently went undercover disguised as a concerned patient with a variety of ailments: malaise, back pain, fatigue and headaches. I visited a naturopath to see what they would say. Below is the official transcript of my encounter.

Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Office of Naturopath Paul Therro.

Clive Frobisher (my alias): Hi I’m her to see Dr. Therro.

Receptionist: Sure, please take a seat. There are some magazines on the table.

donkeytalkClive: Thanks.

(The magazines are all natural health magazines, mostly full of ads. There is however one copy of Miniature Donkey Talk, very odd)

My name is called and I go in to see the good doctor.

Therro: What seems to be the problem today Mr. Frobisher?

Clive: Well I have this headache that won’t go away, I’m always tired and sore and my lower back hurts a bit.

Therro: Hmmm, yes I’ve seen this before. What is your diet like?

Clive: Pretty normal I guess. I try to eat as healthy as I can. Do you want my history or family history at all?

Therro: No, it’s fine. I’m pretty sure I already know what is going on.

Clive: Wow, that’s great news.

Therro: Have you had any vaccines recently?

Clive: I had the flu vaccine earlier this year.

Therro: Yup, that’s probably it. I think you have a build up of mercury and other toxins from your diet and vaccines.

Clive: Are you sure?

Therro: Yup, seen it a hundred times. Don’t worry though, I can fix it for you.

Clive: That’s great news. How?

Therro: I have some natural herbs I can give you and a really good detox kit.

Clive: You can give them to me?

Therro: Yes, in exchange for the small fee of $249.99 plus tax.

Clive: I think I’ll pass. Thanks anyways though.

Therro: Are you sure? Your symptoms will only get worse without these, you know that right?

Clive: I’m going to get a second opinion. Thank you for taking the 2 minutes to see and diagnose me though.

Therro: Anytime. You can pay the receptionist on your way out. Your first consultation is $89, but they go down in price the more you come.


I left the office, paid my $89 and headed home. Stay tuned next week when I visit Dana Ullman, homeopath.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.