Children of perfect mom diagnosed with autism, asthma and ADHD

An anti-vaccine mother of 3 is perplexed that her children have been diagnosed with asthma, ADHD and ASD.

“We all know that vaccines cause asthma, ADHD and Autism but my snowflakes haven’t been injected with any toxins!” Strawberry began,  “Yet here Sunflower and Daffodil have autism and Dragonflower has ADHD and they all have asthma.”

They eat exclusively from their own organic garden.

“They have been constantly sick too. Every year they get the flu, 5-10 colds per year and have caught every vaccine preventable disease we have. All my research says that we should be safe from autism!”

The Spudd has informed Strawberry of chemtrails and she promised to research how they are the real cause of ASD and ADHD.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.