Child with autism begs anti-vaccine parents to stop calling him damaged

SPOKANE, WA – Little Timmy Gardner was diagnosed with autism almost 2 years ago, now 6 years old, Timmy is a fun, active boy who enjoys trains and blowing bubbles. Finally, after two years of hearing his parents telling anyone who would listen that vaccines damaged their son, Timmy had had enough.

“I told my parents to stop calling me “damaged” and “lost”. I’m right here” said Timmy.

While doctors told the Gardners that Timmy’s autism was not caused by vaccines, they proceeded to read numerous crunchy-mommy blogs and conspiracy theory websites, “did their research”, and determined that the doctors were wrong.

“I know now it was the vaccines that caused his autism,” said Mrs. Gardner. “Sure the scientific community, medical community, rational people, etc. all say it’s wasn’t the vaccines, but I just know it was.”

Timmy has reached out to some of his other relatives who are not crazy and do not believe that people with autism are damaged or lost, for support.

Meanwhile, Timmy’s parents are spending most of their time promoting the idea that vaccines are dangerous and the main cause of autism.

Timmy asked his parents if they could put the same time and effort into playing with him as they do to their anti-vaccine cause. They told him no.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.