Ebola is a harmless childhood disease, say anti-vaxxers

  The anti-vaccine community, protesting upcoming trials of an Ebola vaccine, say that Ebola is.

Weirdo anti-vaxxer believes vaccines cause only autism

  Local father and anti-vaxxer Jimmy Maksell expressed his strong opposition to vaccinating his infant.

“Riding in Cars With Anti-vaccers” cancelled

  A new web series called Riding in Cars With Anti-vaccers set to air on.

Brian Hooker does re-analysis…again

  Fresh off the devastating retraction of his paper linking vaccines to autism in African-American.

What is causing the increase in Autism?

What is causing the increase in Autism? Click here to see a very poorly made.

Andrew Wakefield sues autism

  Andrew Wakefield, the author of a now-retracted paper in the Lancet connecting MMR vaccines.