Category: News
Trump recommends taking a bath with toaster to “zap away” coronavirus
President Trump, in his latest coronavirus briefing, suggested “zapping” coronavirus could be a great way.
Report: Scientists already hard at work on 6G technology, considering which disease to make it cause
A new report has surfaced which shows the worlds scientists and engineers are already hard.
CDC to create new “Department of Karens” to help fight pandemic
The CDC is pulling out all the stops to help fight the Coronavirus pandemic, including.
CDC releases updated formula for how much toilet paper you need to hoard during pandemic
ATLANTA – The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a new and updated.
“We didn’t expect the COVID 19 biological weapon to work so fast,” says China CDC
The release of a novel Coronavirus (COVID 19) by the Chinese CDC has gone much.
Biologists observe Anti-Vaccers making tools, solving simple problems at area Zoo
SAN DIEGO, CA – Researchers at the San Diego Zoo observed some exciting behavior from.