Sponsored Post: VagFlor, give your baby the gift of a healthy microbiome

We all know that of the many gifts a mother can give her child, few.

Pediatrician quits practice, opens online supplement store to make more money

NEW YORK, NY – Dr. Patricia Egan has been practicing medicine for nearly 10 years.

Pharma shilling to be added to med school curriculum

BALTIMORE, MD – Johns Hopkins School of Medicine will be adding a new course for.

Anti-cast the new hip trend in California

MALIBU, CA – California is an epicenter of hot yoga, anti-GMO advocates, measles and anti-vaccers..

Breaking: Sharyl Attkisson owns shares in astroturf company

LAS VEGAS, NV – In one of the worst TEDx talks ever given, Sharyl Attkisson.

Breaking: Woman genuinely believes Big Pharma is NOT trying to kill us

ST.LOUIS, MO – Friends of 38 year-old Alison Deirdrich confirmed this morning that she genuinely.