Brian Hooker blames anti-vaccine movement for paper’s retraction

An obviously angry Brian Hooker lashed out at leading members of the anti-vaccine movement, blaming them for the retraction of this paper which had been published in the journal Translational Neurodegeneration. The main findings of the paper confirmed multiple other studies in finding that vaccines do not cause autism in white people, Hispanics, Asians, or girls.

“Look at the leaders of the anti-vaccine movement,” Dr. Hooker told The Spudd, “They are all white. Every single one of them. My research showed vaccines in no way caused autism in their child. There is no cover-up, though I search very hard to find one.”

Dr. Hooker said that he has been the victim of a smear campaign as a result of his findings. “As soon as I showed that there was no relationship between vaccines and autism in their child, the white leaders of the anti-vaccine movement started attacking my supposed conflicts of interest and statistical methods. It is really disgusting how the anti-vaccine movement will go after you personally if you refute their core dogmas.”

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.