Area man unrecognizable to friends and family after first year of surgical residency

BOSTON, MA – Ben Lawton just finished his first year of surgical residency at Massachusetts General Hospital and the long hours apparently took quite a toll on his body and mind. Pulling all nighters and sleeping most nights in the library or parking lot, Lawton returned home for a quick 2 day visit this past week.

“I had no idea who this man was at my door” said Ben’s mother, Janice. “He looked terrible, smelled even worse and had a horribly unkempt beard.”

First year residency is very challenging as the expectations are very high, and the hours long and grueling.

“We noticed Ben started to let things go hygienically,” said attending physician Dr. Mark Horowitz. “But he was still a great doctor and surgeon. Hopefully Dr. Lawton can take these two days and get himself rested and cleaned up.”

Friends who heard Ben was coming back in town also visited the family home and had equally surprising reactions to his appearance and demeanor.

“He looked like a bum,” said high school friend Jenny Zion. “And all he did was sleep for two straight days, not exactly a great visit.”

Other residents who were not granted the two day break were apparently quite jealous that Dr. Lawton was able to sleep for two whole nights on a regular bed.


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