Anti-vaccine mom does actual research, immediately changes views on vaccines

Mom to two unvaccinated children, Mary Whethers, decided to do some more research around vaccines, even though she has been researching them for her entire adult life. However, she veered way off the normal path of the anti-vaccer and read some credible research from the likes of the CDC, the WHO and even some published studies.

“We warned her about looking at credible information” said Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. “The only thing that will come of that is vaccinating your kids. If you are going to be anti-vaccine, you HAVE to be anti-science and anti-reliable information as well.”

Many other anti-vaccine cult members are reaching out to Mary, trying to get her to come back into the echo chamber.

“I’m never going back to that life again” said Mary. “My children are now caught up on all their immunizations and I can’t believe I spent over 10 years doing “research” in all the wrong places.”

The pro-vaccine, pro-science crowd has welcomed Mary with open arms, although said arms are a little sore from getting so many vaccines.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.