Anti-vaccine group to start DED: Diseases Worth Spreading

A who’s who of anti-vaccine “celebrities” have come together to form a new lecture series called DED. Modeled after the famous TED series (Technology, Entertainment, Design), DED (Disease, Ethylmercury, Death) will begin as early as next month with the first conference being held in Waco, Texas.

The talks are expected to be exciting, controversial and mathematically incoherent.

“We are very excited about this,” said co-chair Sharyl Attkisson. “A lot of people think TED talks are the be all and end all of scholarly lectures. Well not anymore.”

The main goal of the lecture series is to spread the word about the dangers of vaccines, but also about the benefits of spreading childhood diseases.

“Getting diseases like measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, polio, smallpox, etc. are all natural. They rarely have any complications. Even if in the rare event that a child does have a complication with a childhood disease, there are many natural remedies out there. Almost all of which are being sold by the founding members of DED,” explained vice-president Mercola.

The DED and DEDx organizers are hoping to attract some big names to the series, including the Food Babe. However, The Spudd has learned than Vani Hari will only agree to talk at DED if the air used in the auditorium is at least 80% oxygen. Don’t hold your breath.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.