Anti-vaccine chiropractor refuses to give Heimlich to stranger in restaurant, insists choking is natural

In a bizarre story coming out of Los Angeles this morning, anti-vaccine chiropractor Billy DeMoss refused to give (or let anyone else give) the Heimlich maneuver to a choking restaurant patron. Mr. DeMoss instead insisted that choking was natural and that it will help build up natural immunity to food getting lodged in ones throat.

Onlookers were apparently shocked and tried to help the choking man, 29 year-old Bob Sakemano, but Mr. DeMoss blocked them off.

“He was crazy, he wouldn’t let anyone near the poor guy” said one onlooker. “He kept yelling that choking is good for you, that it’s natural. The young man started turning blue and eventually passed out.”

Luckily someone had the forsight to call the paramedics as soon as the incident started. As of press time, Mr. Sakemano is apparently still alive at a local hospital.

“We were able to revive the patient on route to the hospital after removing the piece of food blocking his airway” explained paramedic Sean Howard. “Why someone with medical training (even if only a chiropractor) would not let anyone help a choking man is beyond me.”

For his part, Mr. DeMoss believes in the long run the young man will thank him. “I did him a huge favor. He now has natural immunity to choking and is stronger than ever before.”

The doctors at UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles whole heartedly disagree as they fear Mr. Sakemano may have irreversible brain damage from the oxygen deprivation he suffered.

Apparently inspired by the events at the restaurant, rumor has it that Mr. DeMoss is going to begin selling “Dr. Billy’s Natural Choking Technique” DVD’s on his website.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.