Anti-vaccer shocked to learn "mercury" was never in MMR vaccine, years of advocacy down the drain

Elizabeth Hornswaggle is an anti-vaccine advocate, single mom, and all natural detective. So you can imagine her surprise and horror when she confirmed that the MMR vaccine has never contained the mercury preservative thimerosal.

science, health, satire, vaccines.

Elizabeth Hornswaggle is an anti-vaccine advocate, single mom, and all natural detective. So you can imagine her surprise and horror when she confirmed that the MMR vaccine has never contained the mercury preservative thimerosal.

“I’ve literally spent years of my life arguing that the MMR vaccine causes autism because of all the mercury,” said a saddened Hornswaggle. “I’m just so disheartened by the whole thing.”

However, this is a good news story with a happy ending. Hornswaggle found out that anti-vaccers moved the goalposts and began blaming aluminum for autism shortly after thimerosal was removed from vaccines and the autism spectrum rate continued to increase.

“Oh how I LOVE aluminum!” shouted an excited Hornswaggle. “Just when you think you might be wrong, think that all the science you read from credible sources may actually be credible, or that the thousands of dollars you have shelled out to various online anti-vaccine “doctors” might all be for nothing, along comes aluminum.”

Anti-vaccers are still looking for that elusive thing called evidence, but until that day comes anecdotes and conjecture will rule the day.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.